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Unity ECS 框架摸索 第五章 利用 Prefab 实例化 Entity 及其销毁


本文演示使用 Prefab 创建旋转的立方体方阵并定时销毁。



放置一个生成器实体在场景中,让一个 SpawnerSystem 根据它创建立方体方阵。

制作旋转立方体的 Prefab

其实跟 HelloWorld 中基本一致,但是为了表述清晰这里还是写一下。


using Unity.Entities;
using System;

public struct RotationSpeed : IComponentData
    public float RadiansPerSecond;


using Unity.Entities;
using System;

public struct DestroyTime : IComponentData
    public float TimeBeforeDestroy;

接下来则是用于添加上面两个组件的 Authoring

using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;

public class RotatingCubeAuthoring : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity {
    public float DegreePerSecond = 180;

    public void Convert (Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem) {
        var rotationSpeedCmpt = new RotationSpeed { RadiansPerSecond = math.radians (DegreePerSecond) };
        var destroyTimeCmpt = new DestroyTime { TimeBeforeDestroy = 5 };
        dstManager.AddComponentData (entity, rotationSpeedCmpt);
        dstManager.AddComponentData (entity, destroyTimeCmpt);

最后创建一个基于 Cube 的 Prefab,移除 Collider,挂载 ConvertToEntity 与 RotatingCubeAuthoring 脚本。如下图所示。

Components of Cube

至此,就能使用该 Prefab 批量生成旋转立方体的 Entity 实例。


与 HelloWorld 完全一致

控制方块旋转的 System

using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Transforms;

public class RotateSpeedSystem : JobComponentSystem {

    struct RotationJob : IJobForEach<Rotation, RotationSpeed> {
        public float DeltaTime;
        public void Execute (ref Rotation rotation, [ReadOnly] ref RotationSpeed rotationSpeed) {
            rotation = new Rotation {
                Value = math.mul (math.normalize (rotation.Value), quaternion.AxisAngle (math.up (), rotationSpeed.RadiansPerSecond * DeltaTime))

    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate (JobHandle inputDeps) {
        return new RotationJob { DeltaTime = Time.DeltaTime }.Schedule (this, inputDeps);

编写销毁 Entity 的系统

筛选 DestroyTime 组件,让 TimeBeforeDestroy 不断随时间减少,在它归零的时候销毁它所属的 Entity。


using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;

public class DestroySystem : JobComponentSystem {
    BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem m_EntityCommandBufferSystem;
    protected override void OnCreate () {
        m_EntityCommandBufferSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem<BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem> ();

    struct DestroyJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<DestroyTime> {
        public float DeltaTime;
        public EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent CmdBuffer;
        public void Execute (Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex, ref DestroyTime destroyTime) {
            destroyTime.TimeBeforeDestroy -= DeltaTime;
            if (destroyTime.TimeBeforeDestroy <= 0)
                CmdBuffer.DestroyEntity (entityInQueryIndex, entity);
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate (JobHandle inputDeps) {
        var jobHandle = new DestroyJob { DeltaTime = Time.DeltaTime, CmdBuffer = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer ().ToConcurrent () }.Schedule (this, inputDeps);
        m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer (jobHandle);
        return jobHandle;

在一个 System 遍历 Entity 的时候,如果直接将某个 Entity 销毁,会导致遍历出现错乱。因此需要将销毁操作放入一个命令缓冲区,只要在下次 Tick 该系统运行之前执行这个命令缓冲区中的所有操作,就能安全地销毁 Entity。

然后每一个 Tick 里系统是有执行顺序的,我们找到所有系统中第一个执行的系统 BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem。然后调用它的接口创建命令缓冲区,写入销毁命令,在下次 Tick 的时候这个系统就会执行我们写入的销毁命令。

另外,IJobForEachWithEntity 跟前文的 IJobForEach 基本一致,但是使用它遍历可以拿到 Entity。这里我们需要拿到 Entity 以便销毁它。

编写并放置 Spawner

首先是 Spawner 组件用于记录 Prefab 与生成数量信息
生成的实体会形成一个方阵,CountX、CountY 分别表示方阵横纵方向上实体的数量

using Unity.Entities;
using System;

public struct Spawner : IComponentData {
    public Entity Prefab;
    public int CountX;
    public int CountY;

然后编写 Authoring 脚本

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Entities;
using UnityEngine;

public class SpawnerAuthoring : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity, IDeclareReferencedPrefabs {
    public GameObject Prefab;
    public int CountX;
    public int CountY;

    public void DeclareReferencedPrefabs (List<GameObject> referencedPrefabs) {
        referencedPrefabs.Add (Prefab);

    public void Convert (Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem) {
        var spawner = new Spawner {
            Prefab = conversionSystem.GetPrimaryEntity (Prefab),
            CountX = CountX,
            CountY = CountY
        dstManager.AddComponentData (entity, spawner);

它不仅把 CountX、CountY 传入组件,还使用 GameObjectConversionSystem 把 GameObject 类型的 Prefab 转化为 Entity。
具体为什么这样写不用管,当作咒语记下来就好。(反正 api 还会改不少)

然后在 Scene 中新建一个空的 GameObject 命名为 Spawner,挂载 ConvertToEntity 与 SpawnerAuthoring 脚本

编写 SpawnerSystem

现在场景中已经存在一个生成器实体了,我们只需要写一个系统读取该实体储存的 Prefab 信息,就能实例化任意多个 Prefab 了。

当然,为了防止反复访问这个生成器实体而重复实例化 Prefab,需要在实例化 Prefab 之后就立刻销毁该实体


using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Transforms;

public class SpawnerSystem : JobComponentSystem {
    BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem m_EntityCommandBufferSystem;
    protected override void OnCreate () {
        m_EntityCommandBufferSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem<BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem> ();

    struct SpawnerJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<Spawner, LocalToWorld> {
        public EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent CmdBuffer;
        public void Execute (Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex, [ReadOnly] ref Spawner spawner, [ReadOnly] ref LocalToWorld local) {
            for (int i = 0; i < spawner.CountY; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < spawner.CountX; j++) {
                    var instance = CmdBuffer.Instantiate (entityInQueryIndex, spawner.Prefab);
                    var position = math.transform (local.Value,
                        new float3 (j * 1.3F, noise.cnoise (new float2 (j, i) * 0.21F) * 2, i * 1.3F));
                    var destroyTime = 5 + noise.cnoise (new float2 (j, i) * 5.3F);
                    CmdBuffer.SetComponent (entityInQueryIndex, instance, new Translation { Value = position });
                    CmdBuffer.SetComponent (entityInQueryIndex, instance, new DestroyTime { TimeBeforeDestroy = destroyTime });
            CmdBuffer.DestroyEntity (entityInQueryIndex, entity);
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate (JobHandle inputDeps) {
        var jobHandle = new SpawnerJob { CmdBuffer = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer ().ToConcurrent () }.Schedule (this, inputDeps);
        m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer (jobHandle);
        return jobHandle;

同样的,在遍历实体过程中创建新的实体会导致遍历混乱,所以它也跟 DestroySystem 一样使用了命令缓冲区来创建新的实体。


首先 SpawnerSystem 筛选出了一个拥有 Spawner 组件的实体,根据该组件中的 Prefab 与方阵信息创建了整个方阵的旋转方块实体,最后销毁这个拥有 Spawner 组件的实体防止重复实例化 Prefab。

然后 RotateSpeedSystem 控制拥有 RotationSpeed 组件的方块旋转

还有 DestroySystem 筛选出拥有 DestroyTime 组件的实体,每个 Tick 都让 TimeBeforeDestroy 这个计时器减去 DeltaTime,并把计时器已经归零的 Entity 销毁。
